Day 4 Post Op
Alex woke up this morning in a great mood! He was grabbing at his feet and babbling to himself. He is back to his normal self and looks great. He is on infant ibuprofen every six hours and only gets fussy 15-20 minutes before his next dose of medicine. DeAnn fed him a half jar of carrots and he ate without much protesting. He is now eating 3-5 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. We were moved from the PICU to the floor and will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning. I read that many babies start to get pretty bad breath from the smell of the dried blood on the tongue, but so far we haven't experienced this. We have been told that Alex's tongue has healed very well -- it looks much better than I expected it to!
He looks great and as happy as he did at the wedding 10 days ago!!!!! Thanks for keeping us updated, thoughts and prayers still with you guys!